4.7 Methods of inspection.
4.7.1 Visual and mechanical inspection. External. Filters shall be examined to verify that the materials, external design and construction, physical
dimensions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements (see 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 to 3.4.3 Internal. Filters shall be disassembled and examined to verify that the materials, internal design and
construction, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements. For first article inspection,
examination of filters, which are normally furnished filled, shall be performed on one additional sample unit furnished
4.7.2 Terminal strength (see 3.5). Filters shall be tested in accordance with to inclusive, as
applicable (see 3.1). After completion of each applicable test, the tested terminal shall be examined for loosening,
rupturing, and other mechanical damage. Pull test. Filters shall be tested in accordance with method 211, MIL-STD-202. The following details shall
Test condition letter: A.
Magnitude of applied force shall be as follows:
Solid-wire lead terminals (other than printed circuit terminals): In accordance with table X.
Solder terminals: In accordance with table X.
Printed circuit and pin-type terminals: 2 pounds.
TABLE X. Pull.
Cross-sectional area of
electrode at its smallest
point at which lead from
external circuit connects
Circular mils
≤ 2,000
> 2,000
Direction and application of applied force:
Solid-wire lead terminals (other than printed circuit terminals): The force shall be applied in the
direction of the axis of termination, and gradually increased from zero pounds to the magnitude
specified in table X (see 3.1).
Solder terminals: The force shall be applied to each terminal at the point where the lead from the
external circuit connects to it, and shall be gradually increased from zero pounds to the magnitude
specified in table X (see 3.1).
Printed circuit and pin-type terminals: The force shall be applied in the direction of the axis of the
terminal as shown in figure 7, and shall be gradually increased from zero to 2 pounds.
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