3.21 Acceleration (when specified, see 3.1). When filters are tested as specified in 4.7.18, the insertion loss shall
be as specified (see 3.1).
3.22 Flammability (external flame) (grades 5, 7, and 9 only). When filters are tested as specified in 4.7.19, there
shall be no evidence of violent burning which results in an explosive-type flame, and the coating material used on the
filters shall be self-extinguishing. Material shall be considered self-extinguishing if the following conditions are met:
The duration of visible flame shall not exceed 3 minutes after removal of the applied flame.
There shall be no explosion, nor shall there be any violent burning which results in an explosive-type flame.
There shall be no dripping of flaming material from the filter under test.
3.23 Resistance to solvents. When filters are tested as specified in 4.7.20, there shall be no evidence of
mechanical damage and the markings shall remain legible. The paint or exterior finish shall not soften, peel, or show
other signs of deterioration.
3.24 Fungus. All external materials shall be non-nutrient to fungus growth or shall be suitably treated to retard
fungus growth. The manufacturer shall certify that all external materials are fungus resistant (see 4.7.21) or shall
perform the test as specified in 4.7.21. There shall be no evidence of fungus growth on external surfaces.
3.25 Marking. Marking of filters shall conform to MIL-STD-1285 and shall include the part number, type
designation, source code, date code, lot symbol, trademark, discrimination characteristics, terminal identification, and
source and load impedance. Where lack of space prohibits the inclusion of the discrimination characteristics, the
nominal center frequency shall be marked on the case for band pass and band suppression filters, and the cutoff
frequency shall be marked on the case for low pass and high pass filters. Any marking of a classified nature shall not
be included. The following is an example of the complete marking:
- Part number.
- Type designation.
12345 7133A
- Source code, date code, and lot symbol.
- Trademark.
17.4kHz-3dB MAX
- Discrimination characteristics.
IN 1-2
- Terminal identification, and source and
OUT 3-4 600Ω
load impedance.
3.26 Workmanship. Filters shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall be free from
cracks, bursting of the case, leakage of filling material, or other defects that will affect life, serviceability, and
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspections specified herein are classified as follows:
First article inspection (see 4.5).
Conformance inspection (see 4.6).
4.2 Test equipment and inspection facilities. Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities of sufficient
accuracy, quality, and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection shall be established and maintained
by the contractor. The establishment and maintenance of a calibration system to control the accuracy of the
measuring and test equipment shall be in accordance with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 10012-1 or approved equivalent.
4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be performed in accordance with
the test conditions specified in "GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" of MIL-STD-202.
4.4 Test voltage. The test voltage shall be sufficiently free of distortion and noise to permit measurements to be
made to the degree of accuracy required herein.
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